Feb 12, 2022

Flow - Variables


Data Type Use to store...
Text IDs, descriptions, and other text or long text data.
Record Field values from a record, such as an opportunity. When this data type is selected, you create a record variable.
Number A numeric value.
Currency A currency value.
Boolean A yes/no value, such as whether a checkbox was selected.
Date A date value.


A date and time value.


A picklist value.
Multi-Select Picklist Picklist values, separated by semicolons.
Field values from an Apex class. When this data type is selected, you create an Apex-defined variable.

We can Store single values or collection values.

Screen Components

 Screen components are available in three categories.

  • Input includes standard components that request information from the user.
  • Display includes standard components that display information to the user.
  • Custom includes components that you or someone else have created. Install them from AppExchange or a third-party library, or work with a developer to build your own.

Action Types

Without creating or configuring anything else in Salesforce, you can use these actions.

      • Post to Chatter.
      • Send Email.
      • Submit For Approval.
      • Activate or Deactivate a Permission Set.
      • Global or object-specific actions provided by Salesforce.

You can also include actions you create with clicks.

      • Other flows in your org are available in the Subflow element.
      • Custom global or object-specific actions are available in the Action element.

You can also include actions that require code. And you can install custom actions from AppExchange or a third-party library.

      • To do something in the Salesforce database, build or install an Apex action.
      • To do something in the browser, build or install a local action.